Shipment & Returns


Each VDABORELLA work is created entirely by hand and only on order, starting from your requests. As soon as we receive your order, we consult with our Masters to start the processing of your masterpiece, according to your wishes.

Each step of the creative process is extremely delicate and requires adequate time, necessary to finish every detail with care and skill. The processing and delivery times, therefore, may vary according to the place of delivery, the product chosen, the decorations and the preparation of customized packaging.

Once the creation process has begun, we will keep you constantly updated via email on the various steps your product will undergo: from creation, to decoration, to floral composition up to the preparation of the shipment.

Once ready, your work will be entrusted to a courier, who will personally inform you of the time required for shipping.

We estimate a varied period between 30 and 60 working days from order confirmation, including both creation times and shipping times, with the exception of Jewelery, Artificial Flowers and Christmas Balls which have a delivery time of between 3 and 6 working days.



To claim a return please contact us to [email protected]
*check our Terms & Conditions policy.